New aftermarket radiator assembly for Case Backhoe models 570LXR, 580 SUPER L, 580L, 590 SUPER L ,Loader Backhoe models The part number from your Case dealer is 234876A2, which is basically the item that replaced the 234876A1, Direct replacement...just a part # update.
WE ALSO HAVE THE HEAVY DUTY MODEL for machines w/ AC (5 row) or 580M's. See separate listing.
This unit replaces the part number identically. We have years of experience with this manaufacturer. Never had a complaint or return due to quality issues. Has metal tanks vs plastic...much more durable.
Core Size: 20.00” Wide, 18.5625 High,4 Rows of Tubes, 7 Fins Per Inch
WEIGHT: 31 lbs