NEW Muffler, part number 5I8007 or 272-4674 , for a Caterpillar 320B , 320L , 320 hydraulic excavators serial # 6CR1-UP and 7JK. This part is for the following serial number prefixes: 6CR 7JK.
We also can supply you with related parts such as clamp/bracket ( 5I7639 ) etc to get you up and running. We only list a few of the parts you may need for this or other machines, but we would be happy to help you with ANY other part needs. For this machine we commonly sell pins, bushings, undercarriage, hydraulic cylinders, seal kits, track adjusters, recoil springs, idlers, rollers, sprockets, gauges, switches, etc. Just give us a call 1-866-507-2787.